DIYs Family Homekeeping Recipes

things to do when you’re stuck at home– kids version

A few days ago, I posted a list of things to do when you’re stuck at home. Here’s my second version, just for kids. I thought it would be fun to have some ideas that involve no screens, since there are already so many educational and entertaining apps for kids.

Things to do with old magazines

Do your parents have any old magazines or any kind of scrap paper? Here are a few things you can do with those:

little girls cutting pictures out of magazines
Make sure you use safety scissors!
  • Make “paper dolls.” Paper dolls are just figures cut out of paper. You can draw and then cut out a whole family! It doesn’t have to be fancy, just draw an outline. Then, use more of the magazine or scraps to cut out some clothes for these dolls. You can make many different outfits from scraps of paper. Here are some paper dolls you can print out to make things easier… you can just add the outfits!
  • Make a collage– take a full-size sheet of scrap paper, some scissors and a glue stick, and cut out pictures of your favorite things from the old magazines. Glue the things hodgepodge all around the piece of paper, letting the edges overlap so that none of the scrap paper shows through when you’re finished. Now you have a piece of artwork that tells people what all your favorites are.
  • You can also use paper to create fun shapes with Origami!

Things to do with old clothes

  • Play dress-up! Have a fashion show with younger siblings. Choose a theme, dig into those old clothes of mom’s and dad’s, and have fun!
  • Speaking of dressing up, put on a play and use some of those old clothes for costumes, combined with some old Halloween costumes. Make up tickets and charge admission. You can even serve popcorn!
  • Help your mom sort and bag those old clothes she’s been meaning to donate.
girl trying on a princess outfit
It’s fun to play dress-up!

Things to do in the kitchen (with parent’s permission, of course!)

boy and girl baking cookies
Make sure you have your parent’s permission any time you use the kitchen!
  • Make your own play dough! Then make things with it.
  • Bake cookies! Here’s a great, simple cookie recipe: One cup peanut butter, one cup sugar, one egg. Mix, shape into balls, press down onto cookie sheet, bake at 350 for 10 minutes or so. These are delicious!
little girl stirring something on the stove
Always get your parent’s permission to use the stove!
  • Prepare a meal for the family! Even if you can’t use the stove, you can pour cereal and put out milk and juice, and set out bread for toast. You can make sandwiches for lunch and wash and serve some fruit. Decorate the table with a fun theme, and don’t forget to clean up! Your parents will be thankful for the extra help.
  • Ask your parents to pick up a bag or two of gumdrops and some toothpicks, then build something! The possibilities are endless! (Use blunt, not sharp, ended toothpicks.)
girls playing with play dough outside near a bed of daisies
You can even take the home made play dough outside.

Random fun things to do

Build a fort with the couch cushions!

Read a story to younger siblings, or pretend you’re a teacher while helping them with their schoolwork. Just don’t be too bossy– trust me, I know– younger siblings don’t like this and will rebel!

Get out those board games and play some of them!

Make a tall building out of playing cards.

Draw a city on the sidewalk with chalk

What fun things can you come up with? Ask your parent to post them in the comments below!

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